
How to use templates

June 13, 2024
3 minutes

Creating templates lets you pre-make cards that you can quickly use later to save you time and effort. Typically templates are best used to create a consistent design you’ll use over and over again, or a combination of design and copy.

How to Create a template

·         From the home tab, you can either click the “box with the plus sign” or the “new template” button to get started.

·         You can also head over to the “My Template” tab and click the “box with the plus sign”

After creating a template, there will be 4 options to choose from on what to do with it.

Create Order

This is when you are ready to use the template and proceed in making the letter order to ship out to your recipients.

Edit Template

To make necessary changes to your saved template.

Add API integration order

This is used when you are going to integrate a template to Zapier.

Delete Template

To remove an unwanted template.

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