
10 Ways to Thrive In A Recession by Going Back to the Basics with Handwritten Letters


The current economic climate is challenging for businesses of all sizes, but that doesn’t mean that growth isn’t possible. In fact, now more than ever, companies should be looking for new ways to differentiate themselves and connect with customers. One strategy that can help businesses achieve both of those goals is the use of handwritten letters. Here are 10 reasons why businesses should consider using handwriting letters to grow their business during a recession.

Can I Scale Handwriting Letters?

With advances in technology handwritten letters can become an integral part of your marketing processes thanks to companies like LettrLabs. We've developed our own robotics that hold a real pen, making sending 1 or 10,000 letters as simple as 1,2,3. Check our our product offering and pricing here to learn more!

Level Up Your Customer Retention

The relationships you have with your existing customers have an enormous impact on your bottom line. Handwritten letters provide a personal touch that builds loyalty and encourages repeat purchases. Plus, they give customers a tangible reminder of the value that your company provides. That’s why handwritten letters are such an effective way to increase customer retention rates and generate more sales from existing customers.

Improve Reviews and Increase Revenue

Handwritten thank-you notes are also incredibly effective at improving reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations from your existing customers. Customers who receive personalized messages from businesses tend to feel valued and appreciated, which leads to more positive reviews on sites like Yelp or Google My Business. This in turn helps attract new customers who are looking for companies with good reviews and strong customer service.

Stay Top of Mind and Reduce Time Between Orders

Handwritten letters can also help keep your business top of mind with existing customers between orders. A personalized note reminding them what they love about your products or services is a great way to keep them engaged in the long term—and it can even help reduce the time between orders as well!  

Find New Clients With Cold Outreach

Handwritten letters can also be used as part of an effective cold outreach strategy for finding new clients or partners. Sending personalized notes to potential partners or clients gives you a chance to make a good first impression—without being intrusive or annoying—which increases the chances they’ll respond positively to your offer or partnership request.

Hyper-Targeted List Building Not Impacted by iOS 14

In an age where digital marketing is becoming increasingly targeted (and restricted due to iOS 14 updates), handwritten letters offer a great alternative for list building without needing extensive user data collection or tracking capabilities. This is especially beneficial if you’re looking for hyper-targeted lists because you don’t need hundreds (or thousands) of user data points before sending out mailers – just names and addresses! At LettrLabs we've mastered the art of creating custom list building services for your business allowing you to target the right prospects at the right time.

Thank Clients For Their Business

Handwriting letters offers an opportunity to genuinely thank your clients for their business–all while reinforcing brand messaging and increasing customer loyalty along the way! Showing gratitude goes a long way in fostering relationships between brands and consumers – so don’t forget those thank-you cards when reaching out via snail mail!  

Build Lasting Relationships

Handwritten letters offer a personal touch that builds loyalty and encourages repeat purchases. Plus, they give customers a tangible reminder of the value that your company provides. That’s why handwritten letters are such an effective way to increase customer retention rates and generate more sales from existing customers.

Stand out by going the extra mile

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter in the mail? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. But what if your business decided to start sending out handwritten letters as a way of standing out from the competition? It might seem like an old-fashioned idea, but there are actually several good reasons why handwritten letters can help make your business stand out by going the extra mile.

Get Started With LettrLabs Robotic Handwritten Letters

Overall, there are many advantages to using handwritten letters as part of your business growth strategy during these uncertain times – from enhancing customer retention rates and improving reviews through word-of-mouth recommendations; staying top of mind with past clients; finding new ones with cold outreach; hyper-targeting list building not impacted by iOS 14 updates; thanking clients for their business; building lasting relationships; making your business stand out; showing customers that you care; reducing time between orders…the list goes on! So if you want to get ahead in today's competitive market – start writing those postcards now! With these 10 reasons why handwriting letters can benefit growing businesses during recessions, it's clear that investing in this low cost yet highly effective form of communication will pay off big dividends down the line! Request a free sample today to get started.

Boost Your Response Rates With an Untapped Marketing Channel

Handwritten letters are a rarity, with the average American only receiving four per year - US Postal Service

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