
10 Family Law Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice


With over 1.3 million active lawyers and tens of thousands of law firms the competition is fierce. For family law this is no exception. As a family law lawyer Most people know that family law is a highly specialized area of law. What they may not know is that there are specific strategies that can be used to market a family law practice and stand out from the competition.

In this blog, we will discuss ten of the most effective strategies for marketing your family law practice. Doing so will make your practice stand out from the competition and increase your pipeline so you can increase your billable hours.

Boost organic rankings for top local SEO keywords

When it comes to marketing a family law practice, one of the most important things you can do is boost your organic search engine rankings. This will allow you to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs), which will in turn allow more people to find your website.

There are a number of things you can do to boost your rankings, but some of the most effective include optimizing your website for the right keywords, publishing high-quality content, and building backlinks from other authoritative websites.

To find the right keywords to target, you can use a tool like SEM Rush, Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Moz’s Keyword Explorer. Once you have identified some relevant keywords, you can then focus on optimizing your website for them.

If you don't have time to learn how to boost your SEO rankings reach out to an expert SEO consultant like Makarios Marketing. They help with a number of different SEO areas to either help coach you or provide hands off consultation allowing you to focus on your practice.

  • Search Engine optimization
  • Local SEO
  • SEO Coaching
  • Link Building
  • Website Building

In addition to optimizing your website, you should also focus on publishing high-quality content that will help establish yourself as an authority in the field of family law. This content can take many different forms, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos.

Finally, one of the best ways to boost your SEO rankings is by building backlinks from other authoritative websites. You can do this by guest posting on relevant blogs, participating in online forums and discussions, and submitting your content to popular article directories.>write about

Content Multiplication Strategy

When it comes to marketing a family law practice, social media is one of the most effective channels you can use. Not only is it a great way to connect with potential clients, but it’s also a great way to build brand awareness and credibility.

There are many different social media platforms you can use to market your family law practice, it's important to sign up for all of the accounts seen below.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pintrest
  • Linkedin
  • Tiktok
  • Youtube
  • Twitter

What Is Content Multiplication?

Content multiplication is exactly what it sounds like, it's the practice of taking one piece of content, which can include a blog post, video, or image and re-posting it to all of your different social media channels. Using a tool like or even Canva you can automatically post content across all of your platforms in one click. By doing so you're spreading your content to as many viewers as possible. If you're able to post consistently the content multiplication will drastically grow your audience and magnify your reach. Using these platforms to notify users that you've created a blog article can help get significantly more traffic to your site, which will result in more leads and higher conversion. Make sure when you're posting on the social media platforms to include tags on your posts. Tags will help users who are searching for different keywords find your content and further expand your reach. For more information about how to use social tags for SEO check out this link.

Find new prospects with Handwritten Direct Mail

One of the most effective (and unique) ways to connect with potential clients is through handwritten direct mail. This involves sending a personalized letter or postcard to potential clients, which can help you stand out from the competition.

Using services like LettrLabs, who use robotic automation to create handwritten letters and cards using a real pen! Forget the days of writing notes yourself and save yourself the hours of effort.

LettrLabs offers list building capabilities to help you identify prospects based on their spending history or recent change of address for one of the two homeowners indicating a split.

Handwritten Direct Mail is one of the most effective methods because it's 1:1 communication and feels more personal. According to the Data & Marketing Association, "the response rate for an unsolicited piece of direct mail is 5.3%. The response rate for email is just 0.12%." Handwritten direct mail has an even higher response rate because it stands out from the junk mail as something unique and different. This will make your recipient curiously open the letter and read your message, resulting in even higher conversion rates! When done correctly, handwritten mail can be an extremely effective way to connect with potential clients and build your family law practice.

Content Marketing

When it comes to marketing a family law practice, content marketing is one of the most effective channels you can use. Not only is it a great way to connect with potential clients, but it’s also a great way to build brand awareness and credibility.

There are many different types of content you can use to market your family law practice, but blog posts are one of the most effective. When you write a blog post, be sure to include keywords that potential clients might search for online. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages, and increase your chances of being found by potential clients.

In addition to blog posts, you can also use videos, infographics, and images to market your family law practice. These types of content are especially effective on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to post them regularly on all of your social media channels to maximize their reach.

Finally, one of the best ways to boost your SEO rankings is by building backlinks from other authoritative websites. You can do this by guest posting on relevant blogs, participating in online forums and discussions, and submitting your content to popular article directories.

Enhance your Reviews with handwritten thank you notes

Another fantastic way to increase your inbound leads is by making sure you're top of the list for many review websites. Often times your clients will research top family law firms on a review site to see recommendations from other people. It's critical that you not only have a 4+ star review rating, but that you also have more reviews than your competition.

One method of increasing the number of quantity of reviews is by sending out handwritten thank you nots to all of your clients. Using a platform like LettrLabs you can automatically send thank you notes to all of your clients. This gesture will go a long way to help improve your standing amongst your previous clients. In this thank you card you can also ask for a positive review from your followers amongst one of the top review sites. Simply asking politely and taking the time to send them a handwritten card can mean the difference between no review and another 5 star review.

Top Review Sites

Boost business by asking for Referrals

When it comes to marketing a family law practice, referrals are one of the best sources of leads. Not only are referrals an indication of trust and confidence, but they’re also an indication that your services were recommended by someone the potential client trusts.

There are many different ways you can ask for referrals from your clients, but the most effective way is to simply ask them. Many clients will be more than happy to refer their friends and family to your law firm if they were happy with the services you provided. You can also incentivize referrals by offering a discount or a free consultation for anyone who refers a new client to your law firm.

Another great way to get referrals is by providing excellent customer service. When you go above and beyond to meet the needs of your clients, they’ll be more likely to refer their friends and family to your law firm. Make sure you respond promptly to all inquiries, resolve any issues quickly, and always deliver on your promises.

Finally, make sure you have a strong referral program in place. This means offering incentives like discounts or free consultations for anyone who refers a new client to your law firm. Having a strong referral program will help you attract more clients and grow your family law practice.

Adding a Chat Bot to your website

Adding a chat bot to your website is a great way to capture inbound leads. A chat bot can help you answer common questions from potential clients, and can even provide the required sign up forms for a free consultation.

Adding a chat bot to your website is easy. You can use a platform like Intercom to create and manage your chat bot. Once you have created your chat bot, you’ll need to add it to your website. This can be done by adding a few lines of code to your website’s header.

Once you have added the chat bot to your website, you’ll need to configure it. You can configure the chat bot by adding questions and answers that you want it to use. You can also specify the hours that the chat bot is available. If you have an admin at work you can also have messages to the chat bot go directly to them for a fast response.

Improve your website copy to improve inbound conversions

If you want to improve your inbound conversions, you need to have high-quality website copy. This means having well-written and compelling website content that can persuade potential clients to contact your law firm.

One way to improve your website copy is to use a copy writer. A copy writer can help you overhaul your website content to make it more effective at converting potential clients. They can also help you write compelling headlines and persuasive copy that can help you stand out from the competition.

If you want to improve your inbound conversions, it’s important to have high-quality website copy. A copywriter can help you achieve this by overhauling your website content and helping you write compelling headlines and persuasive copy.

Adding a Calendar Appointment Scheduler to your website

Adding a calendar appointment scheduler to your website is a great way to make it easy for potential clients to schedule a consultation. This can be done by using a tool like Calendly.

Calendly is a tool that allows you to easily create and manage appointments. You can specify the time slots that are available, and potential clients can select the time that works best for them.

To add Calendly to your website, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your website’s header. Once you have added the code, you’ll need to configure it. You can configure Calendly by adding the times that you are available, and by specifying the type of appointment you offer (e.g. 30-minute, 60-minute, or 90-minute consultation).

Once you have configured Calendly, you’ll need to add it to your website. This can be done by adding a few lines of code to your website’s footer.

Adding a calendar appointment scheduler to your website is an easy way to make it easy for potential clients to schedule a consultation. You can use a tool like Calendly to do this. Calendly is a tool that allows you to easily create and manage appointments. You can specify the time slots that are available, and potential clients can select the time that works best for them. To add Calendly to your website, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your website’s header. Once you have added the code, you’ll need to configure it. You can configure it by adding the times that you are available, and by specifying the type of appointment you offer (e.g., 30-minute, 60-minute, or 90-minute consultation).

Pay per click marketing

When it comes to family law, there are a lot of potential clients who are searching for information online. This is where pay per click (PPC) marketing can be a great way to connect with these potential clients.

PPC marketing is a form of online advertising that allows you to target potential clients who are searching for specific keywords. You can specify the keywords that you want to target, and PPC advertising will place your ad in front of these potential clients. Keywords might include divorce as well as the city you operate in to help narrow the criteria down.

When it comes to family law, there are a lot of potential clients who are searching for information online. This is where pay per click (PPC) marketing can be a great way to connect with these potential clients.

PPC marketing is a form of online advertising that allows you to target potential clients who are searching for specific keywords. By targeting the right keywords, you can connect with potential clients who are interested in family law services.

One of the benefits of PPC advertising is that you can control your budget. You can specify how much you want to spend on each click, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This means you can control your expenses, and only pay for results.

If you’re interested in connecting with potential clients through PPC advertising, it’s important to partner with an experienced agency. An experienced agency will know how to target the right keywords and generate results for your law firm.


As you can see, there are a number of different family law marketing strategies that you can use to connect with potential clients. Leveraging personalized handwritten direct mail can help you target new prospects, improve review rankings, and increase your referral business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your family law marketing to the next level

These strategies include adding a calendar appointment scheduler to your website, using pay per click advertising, and targeting the right keywords. By using these strategies, you can connect with potential clients who are interested in your services. If you’re looking for help connecting with potential clients, it’s important to partner with an experienced agency. Partnering with an experienced agency will help you reach more potential clients and generate results for your law firm.

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