
How to Create a Profitable Hearing Aid Direct Mail Campaign


A profitable direct mail campaign is comprised of three major factors such as your copy, the quality of your leads, and your offer. Neglect any one of these factors and you will negatively effect the results of your campaign.  

Top Three Components of a successful direct mail campaign

Lead Generation: Based on the best consumer demographics, spending, and interest data models

Arguably the most important aspect of any successful direct mail campaign is the quality of the lead list that you’re targeting. Sending direct mail hearing aid direct mail mailers to people who don’t want or need Heading Aids is a sure fire way of wasting your marketing dollars.

Ensuring your lead list is not only accurate, but up to date is critical. LettrLabs has the ability to gather custom lead lists based on consumer spending habits, demographic data, as well as interest models. We aggregate the best consumer data available to create a custom list based on exactly your needs.

In this example we could narrow down the search to seniors over the age of 70 who own their own home and have purchased TV guide in the six months. Depending on how well you know your clients we can also create a lookalike audience, which will review your current clients and allow us to search for future prospects who are extremely similar in the demographic, interest, and spending habits. As a result you’ll create a never ending list of leads you can continually re-target with success

Write Copy that Connects with Your Prospects

Writing copy that connects with your prospects is another extremely important factor that will help your direct mail get noticed, read, and acted on. Gone are the days of sleazy sales pitches, but rather your prospects are looking for an expert to help guide them in this extremely critical purchasing decision.

Coming off as the authority that will help them decide what hearing aid is right for them will help make sure they feel comfortable reaching out and acting on your offer.

Create a Strong Offer that they can’t refuse

Putting together a compelling offer is the third critical piece to a profitable hearing aid direct mail campaign. By structuring the offer in a way where its time sensitive and compelling from a value proposition perspective will promote your direct mail campaign and ensure more leads act on your offer.

If you can afford it a 20% or higher discount will help even the most frugal prospects reach out to learn more. Additionally, outside of a discount you can also include valuable benefits like discounted service, free fitting consultations, and other benefits to enhance your offers value.

How to Stand out

After you’ve crafted your message, lead list, and offer it’s now important to focus on how can you physically make your heading aid direct mail campaign stand out. There are two critical ways to set you apart from the junk mail your prospects receive on a daily basis.

Handwritten Direct Mail Personalization

Creating a handwritten direct mail campaign is the #1 way to ensure your direct mail campaign gets opened, read, and acted on. Before LettrLabs, creating a handwritten campaign was extremely time and cost intensive, however now with LettrLabs you can send handwritten letters, cards, and post cards for nearly the same price as a printed junk mail letter.

The benefits of handwritten letters compared to printed mail is that they stand out! A handwritten note is unique as the average American only receives 5 per year. Would you rather be a rare treat to receive or a commodity product flooding your prospects inbox? With a first class stamp and fully handwritten envelope and handwritten letter our products will help you stand out and make an impression that you care about your prospects and you want to connect with them on a more personal basis. On top of that we can include whatever printed graphics to help advertise your hearing aid as well.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can setup a custom high quality lead list and handwritten direct mail campaign today! We’ve experienced results from 10% to 26% response rates, which will smash any direct mail campaign.


Coupled with a handwritten card written with a real pen and a personalized envelope and card, our products will help your next Hearing Aid Direct Mail campaign excel. Handwritten direct mail stands out and connects with seniors more than any form of communication. When more than 2/3 of all printed direct mail letters are thrown away before they’re read, why waste your marketing budget on a medium thats only 1/3 as effective? Improve your odds today with handwritten direct mail that gets opened and read 99% of the time.

Hearing Aid Direct Mail Strategies

Now that you have your direct mail campaign in view the next thing to focus on is your strategy. There are a number of options to choose from, but we’ve included a few below to get you thinking about your next campaign.

New client acquisition

The most obvious approach is targeting a new client acquisition approach. Leveraging our list building capabilities LettrLabs can create a custom data set to targeted high intent prospects for your Hearing Aid Direct Mail campaign. If you have a website with an email capture capability we can also take your emails and add their full name and current address for re-targeting your warm leads. Additionally, we can also do targeted direct mail drip campaigns via our direct mail API.

Refer a friend

If you have a list of satisfied or long time clients you could also send a personalized handwritten card asking them if anyone they know could use your services as well. It’s proven that happy clients are more than happy to spread the good word about your services to help their friends and family. Often times you will create advocates of their services. It’s not every day that a business reaches out personally and asks for help from the favorite clients!

Start Sending Profitable Hearing Aid Direct Mail Campaigns today with LettrLabs!

Leveraging the tools above will help set your business apart with your prospects and most importantly enhance the profitability of your direct mail campaigns. Reach out today and get 15% your first order by mentioning this offer! Request a sample today to see the difference first hand that a handwritten direct mail card can make for your Hearing Aid Direct Mail Campaign.

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Handwritten letters are a rarity, with the average American only receiving four per year - US Postal Service

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