
Stop Wasting Time with Door Hangers and Try Direct Mail Outreach Instead for Real Estate

December 5, 2022

Are you a real estate agent or broker looking to increase your leads? Are you considering investing in door hangers as part of your lead-generation strategy? If so, then you should consider the drawbacks associated with door hangers before diving in. Not only are they not very effective, but they can be quite costly. A better option is direct mail outreach, which can yield better results at a lower cost. Let’s take a closer look at why door hangers for real estate don’t work and what to do instead.

Why Door Hangers Don't Work

Door hangers are often seen as an appealing option for real estate agents and brokers because they are relatively inexpensive and easy to distribute. However, the reality is that door hanger marketing campaigns rarely produce positive results for real estate professionals. This is because most people throw them away without even reading them—and those who do read them usually ignore them altogether because they don’t see any value in what the ad has to offer.

Another issue with door hangers is that they have limited reach; you can only hang them on so many doors! As such, it’s difficult to get enough visibility with this method of marketing. Additionally, there’s no way of tracking how many people actually see or read your door hanger once it’s been hung up, making it impossible to measure the effectiveness of your campaign.

What To Do Instead

In today's digital world, it can be easy to forget about the old-fashioned way of doing things. When it comes to real estate marketing, however, there is one tried-and-true method that can still be incredibly effective: handwritten direct mail. From targeting prospective clients to staying in touch with existing ones, there are plenty of benefits to using handwritten direct mail as part of your real estate marketing strategy. Let’s take a closer look at why this type of marketing works so well for real estate agents.

First, direct mail pieces tend to be opened more often and you can actually scale with them, rather than door hangers. Handwritten notes get responded to more often than typed ones because they feel more personal and intimate; plus, it shows that you took the extra effort to write out a personalized note rather than just sending generic materials through the mail.

Target Only the Prospects Who Meet Your Criteria

Direct mail pieces allow you to target specific demographics based on factors like age group or income level; this means that your advertising dollars are being spent on people who are actually likely interested in what you have to offer. Third, when done correctly, direct mail pieces can yield a 3% response rate—which means that for every 100 pieces sent out, three leads will come back! That means more leads coming into your business and thus more opportunities for success in your area of expertise.

How Can I Scale Handwritten Outreach?

If you want to take your golden letter real estate campaigns to the next level, consider using LettrLabs to automate the process. LettrLabs handwriting robots can help you create and send personalized letters and cards quickly and easily, allowing you to reach more potential clients and referral sources than ever before. With LettrLabs, you can design beautiful handwritten cards and letters that will stand out in the digital age and drive results. So why wait? Order a free sample today and see the difference that LettrLabs can make for your real estate business.

Personalization is Key

One of the most significant advantages of using handwritten direct mail over more modern methods such as email or social media is that it allows you to personalize your message. When you send out a piece of mail with your signature on it, you are making an impression on the recipient that goes beyond just words; you are showing them that you took the time and effort to write out something especially for them. This can help build a relationship between you and the recipient, which can be invaluable when trying to get potential clients interested in your services.

It Stands Out from the Crowd

Another great benefit to using handwritten direct mail is that it stands out from all the other pieces of mail someone might receive in their mailbox every day. Because so much communication these days is done via email or text messages, receiving an actual letter in the mail can feel like a special treat—one that will likely stand out from all the rest! This means that even if your letter doesn’t make its way onto someone’s desk right away, they won’t forget about it and will eventually come across it again when they go through their stack of letters later on.  

It Can Help Build Your Brand Image

Finally, handwriting direct mail can help build your brand image by creating an association between you and your company in people’s minds. By signing off each piece of mail with your name and including other branding elements such as logos or color schemes, people will begin to think of your business automatically whenever they see those elements—which could lead to more business down the line!

Get Started Today!

When it comes down to it, door hangers are simply not effective tools for generating leads for real estate agents or brokers, but fortunately there is another option available! Direct mail outreach offers real estate professionals an opportunity to increase their leads without breaking the bank; plus, by targeting specific demographics and including handwritten notes in their pieces, agents stand a good chance of getting noticed and increasing their chances of success even further. So stop wasting time with ineffective strategies like door hangers and start utilizing targeted direct mail outreach today! Check out our website to order your cards today!

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