
9 Reasons Why You Should Use Robot Letters to Generate Leads


In today's world, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. With so much competition out there, how can you make sure that your business stands out from the rest? One way to do that is with handwritten letters. At LettrLabs, we have robots that write letters that are indistinguishable from those written by humans. Thanks to our patent pending robotics we're able to create handwritten notes for 1/2 the price of our competition. Check out our pricing today and request a free sample to get started!

Top 9 reasons why you should use LettrLabs to generate leads for your business

Unique and Personal Messages Make an Impact!

One of the reasons why handwritten letters are so effective is because they are personal and unique. A hand-written letter shows that you took the time to sit down and write a letter, rather than just typing an email. It also means that each letter is different, which makes it more special. When someone receives a handwritten letter, it's like they are receiving a piece of your heart.

Contrarian Approach To Marketing = Prospects Remember Your Offer

Handwritten letters are special because they're personal. On average our handwritten letters deliver 10x the response rates of email and 5x that of printed direct mail. Unlike digital marketing ads, which can be easily ignored, handwritten letters stand out in a sea of digital noise. They require a personal touch, and people appreciate the effort that goes into sending them. Handwritten letters are also unique, and recipients are more likely to remember them. When someone takes the time to write a letter by hand, it shows that they care about the person they are writing to.

Create A Sense of Urgency They Can't Ignore!

Handwritten notes create a sense of urgency and encourage recipients to take action. When you receive a handwritten note in the mail, it's like getting a personal invitation from the sender. It stands out among all of the other junk mail and bills, and it's something that you're likely to keep around for awhile. Because handwritten notes are so rare these days, they have a special cachet that digital messages just don't have. They also create a sense of urgency, because the sender obviously took the time to write them specifically for you. This encourages recipients to take action right away, before they forget about it.

Follow Up and Stay Top of Mind to Close More Deals

Handwritten notes are an excellent way to follow up with prospects after meeting them or attending an event. They create a personal connection with the prospect, and show that you took the time to write a note specifically for them. Handwritten notes also stand out in a sea of digital messages, and create a sense of urgency that encourages recipients to take action right away.

Handwritten Letters Can Be Extremely Targeted

Handwritten letters are a powerful way to target specific individuals or groups with personalized messages. WIth LettrLabs list building services we can help you target your ideal prospects even if you don't have your own lists! Contact us today to learn more about our list building services. Unlike digital marketing ads, which can be easily ignored, handwritten letters stand out in a sea of digital noise. They require a personal touch, and people appreciate the effort that goes into sending them. Handwritten letters are also unique, and recipients are more likely to remember them. When someone takes the time to write a letter by hand, it shows that they care about the person they are writing to.

They Show You Go The Extra Mile

When you send a customer or client a handwritten letter, it shows that you're willing to go the extra mile for them. It's a tangible sign of your appreciation, and it's something that they're likely to keep around for awhile. Handwritten letters are personal, unique, and stand out in a sea of digital noise. They also create a sense of urgency, which encourages recipients to take action right away.

Announce Product Launches, Sales, or Anything You Need Attention For

Handwritten letters are a powerful way to announce new products, services, or promotions. They create a personal connection with the recipient, and show that you took the time to write a note specifically for them. Handwritten letters also stand out in a sea of digital messages, and create a sense of urgency that encourages recipients to take action right away.

Thank You Notes Build Lasting Relationships and Protect Profitability

Handwritten letters are perfect for thank-you notes or holiday greetings because they are personal, unique, and stand out in a sea of digital noise. They also create a sense of urgency, which encourages recipients to take action right away.

Robotic Handwritten Letters are Affordable and Scalable Solution for your business

At LettrLabs, we believe that handwritten letters are a powerful way to connect with people. That's why we make it easy and affordable to get started! For a little more than the postage LettrLabs can send 1 or 10,000 handwritten letters to grow your business. Our online platform makes it easy to create beautiful handwritten letters, and our affordable pricing makes it easy to send them to your loved ones. We also offer a variety of templates and designs that you can use to create unique letters that stand out in a sea of digital noise. Plus, our platform is easy to use, so you can start sending handwritten letters right away!

Robot Letters from LettrLabs are an effective way to grow your business!

There are many reasons why you should use handwritten letters to generate leads for your business - but these are just 9 of the most compelling ones! If you're looking for a personal and unique way to connect with your customers and clients, look no further than LettrLabs! Our robots write indistinguishable letters from humans - making it easy and affordable for you to get started! Contact us today to revolutionize your business with robot letters.

Boost Your Response Rates With an Untapped Marketing Channel

Handwritten letters are a rarity, with the average American only receiving four per year - US Postal Service

Improve your marketing ROI by diversifying from oversaturated digital channels.
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