
14 Ways a Handwritten Letter Service Will Recession Proof Your Business


We're all feeling the effects of the recession. It seems like every day a new company declares bankruptcy, and those that are still standing are doing everything they can to stay afloat. While there are many ways to cut costs and save money, one area where businesses often overlook potential savings is snail mail. A handwritten letter service like LettrLabs can help your business stand out from the competition and grow during these tough times. Here are 14 reasons why:

Improve Client LTV

A handwritten letter service can help improve a company's client LTV in a number of ways. First and foremost, handwritten letters are personal and show that you care about your clients. They also stand out in a world of digital communication, where most messages are sent via email or text. This unique touch can make your clients feel special and appreciated, which can lead to longer and more profitable relationships. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of client interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual client. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Reduce the Time Between Orders By Staying Top of Mind

Handwritten postcards are a great way to stay top of mind with your customers and reduce the time between orders. Postcards are a personal and unique way to reach out to your customers. They stand out in a world of digital communication, where most messages are sent via email or text. This unique touch can make your customers feel special and appreciated, which can lead to longer and more profitable relationships. In addition, handwritten postcards are a great way to keep track of customer interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten postcard services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Improve Client Retention

Handwritten letter services offer a high level of personalization and customer service that can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times. By building strong personal relationships with your clients, handwritten letter services can help improve client retention and reduce the time between orders. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of client interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Get New Clients from 5 Star Reviews on Yelp

Handwritten letter services offer a high level of personalization and customer service that can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times. By building strong personal relationships with your clients, handwritten letter services can help improve client retention and reduce the time between orders. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of client interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

One way that businesses can use handwritten letter services to increase growth is by automating your thank you cards. Thank you cards are the perfect opportunity to ask for 5 star reviews on sites like yelp. Automating the process makes it easy for businesses to send out personalized cards thanking their customers for their business, without having to worry about forgetting or running out of time. Handwritten postcards are also a great way to stay top of mind with your customers and reduce the time between orders. Postcards are a personal and unique way to reach out to your customers. They stand out in a

Get More Warm Lead and Close More Deals

Using handwritten direct mail, which typically has a 3-5% conversion rate on cold leads, you can mass mail handwritten appeals to get more leads and ultimately close more deals. By sending personalized letters to potential clients, you can create a personal connection that will encourage them to do business with you. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Get More Consistent Business

All business owners are looking to fortify repeat business to ensure they have consistent and stable cash flow. Here are a few reasons why a handwritten letter service can help you achieve these goals.

Show Your Clients That You Appreciate Their Business

A handwritten letter service is the perfect way to show your clients that you appreciate their business. By sending personalized letters and cards, you can create a personal connection that will encourage them to do business with you again. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Promote Special Occasions

A handwritten letter service is the perfect way to celebrate special occasions with your clients. By sending personalized cards and letters, you can create a lasting impression that will encourage them to do business with you again. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of interactions, preferences, and history. All of this information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing client loyalty and boosting business growth during these difficult times.

Improve Customer Retention

One of the most important benefits of a handwritten letter service is that it can help improve customer retention. By sending personalized letters and cards, you can create a lasting impression that will encourage customers to do business with you again. In addition, handwritten letters are a great way to keep track of interactions, preferences, and history. This information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that will resonate with each individual customer. By providing a high level of personalization and customer service, handwritten letter services can play an important role in increasing customer loyalty and retention during these difficult times.

Personal touch

In a world where most communication is done electronically, a handwritten letter carries greater weight because it is rarer. It shows that you took the time to sit down and write a note specifically for the person you're corresponding with, rather than just firing off an email.

Quality over quantity

With so much noise online, it's harder than ever to get your message heard. But when you send a handwritten letter, it stands out among all the other emails and ads recipients are bombarded with on a daily basis.

Builds relationships

A key factor in any successful business is strong relationships with customers and clients. And what better way to build relationships than by sending personal notes? When people feel appreciated, they're more likely to do business with you again in the future.

Generates leads

Handwritten letters aren't just for keeping current customers happy; they can also be used to generate new leads. Try including an offer or giveaway in your letters, or ask recipients if they know anyone who might be interested in what your company has to offer.

Strengthens brand loyalty

If someone has received several handwritten letters from your company over time, they're more likely to be loyal customers because they feel like you actually care about them as individuals, not just as numbers on a spreadsheet.

Demonstrates expertise

When you take the time to write thoughtful letters explaining complex ideas or offering expert advice, potential clients will see that you're knowledgeable in your field and trustworthy).


Despite what some people may think, handwritten letter services don't have to be expensive. In fact, they can be cost-effective ways of reaching more people than ever before! At LettrLabs we've developed our own robotics allowing us to pass on big cost savings to our clients.

How can you scale handwritten notes?

With LettrLabs we can take the work out of creating handwritten direct mail and leave it to our proprietary robots. With our industry beating pricing you can rest assured that theres no better price for real handwritten notes. Contact us today to learn more and request a free sample today!

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Handwritten letters are a rarity, with the average American only receiving four per year - US Postal Service

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